Let’s go back in old time

Let’s go back in time. When texts took months to come. A life without blue ticks, last seens or even delivery reports. A life without ‘active now’. When the postmasters knew who was love lorn and who was devastated. When they came with news – good or bad. When ‘seen’ didn’t exist. And people waited….


Nisha: Ma’am, How much more time it would take for rest of the treatment? Doctor: Why? Why are you asking this? Nisha: It’s been more than 2½ year, it’s still not there. Doctor: It will take little bit more time to get it done. Nisha: How much approximately? Doctor: About 8-10 months more? Nisha: That…

Now all the things falls in the wrong places-3

Corollary On 21st December, 2015, I was reading the newspaper. I found an article that read “A guy has found the solution for Delhi’s odd-even cars problem”. He developed a site named ******.com. The site accepts the data like your name, age, gender, car regdn. No., email, phone no. etc. then it also asks for…

Now all the things falls in the wrong places-2

Indian Readers Part 2 of 2 Now, that the juvenile bill has been passed I am glad that they added the clause for the cases of heinous crimes. Although some bullish were asking to make it default for all types of crimes.   No matter how much a law/rule is strict, you will always find…

Now all the things falls in the wrong places

Indian Readers Part 1 of 2 Now, I am writing this post to make you aware of some facts which are buried by our politicians & fellow media. The facts are all about the recent juvenile case. Sit tight and give it a read. Please keep patience it will be a pretty long read. I…